Nov 16 No Comments Chronicles of the Chairman Categories: Brooke Hunt Brooke addressing the Member Director Forum. Brooke, Governor Rick Perry, NAR President Charles McMillan. Senator Kirk Watson with the TAR Leadership Team 2009 Leadership Team for Texas Association of REALTORS: Benny McMahan (CEO), Bill Jones (Chairman Elect), Brooke Hunt (Chairman), Randy Jeffers (Immediate Past Chairman), Dwight Hale (Secretary/Treasurer). Brooke attending the Housing Summit. Bill Jones, Chairman-Elect, Benny McMahan, CEO, Brooke Hunt, Chairman in the US Capitol after a meeting with Congressman Chet Edwards. Bill Jones and Brooke standing at the entrance of the brand new Capitol Visitors Center. Supreme Court is in the background. Presidents Day Luncheon with Current and Past Presidents of MetroTex Association I think this was Hanne's brainchild a few years ago with her Leadership Team, now we get all of the Past Presidents of MetroTex, Irving and NETC together for lunch for Association updates and catching up! Brooke, Florence, Travis enjoying dinner while discussing topics affecting our industry including TAR's opposition to Mandatory Sales Price Disclosure, concerns about the lack of Stimulus for the housing market in the most recent attempts by Washington DC to jumpstart our economy, the state of the real estate market in San Antonio and the benefits to consumers of a statewide platform of MLS data to search for Texas properties. Congratulations Becky Hill, 2009 National Womens Council of REALTORS President! Hitting the Hill for "Mock Hill Visits". Brooke Hunt and Governor Perry. Governor Perry addresses the TAR Board of Directors. TREPAC Awards Breakfast. The Honorable State Rep Rob Orr was our guest speaker. Brooke Hunt & Senator Cornyn. A room FULL of REALTORS engaged in the political process. If you are in Real Estate, then Politics IS your business! Invest in TREPAC today!! Lunch with Barbara Kinnon and Bob McMillan before the installation of our friend Cynthia Shelton as the 2009 President of the Florida Association of REALTORS. 1 / 18