I am a big believer in operating with a surplus mentality and not in a restrictive way. If we all keep the attitude of “there is enough to go around”, instead of “only a few can have it”–we would all be living in abundance.
Any one person is not talented in every way, but together, we are. Some of the skills that I bring to the table are with design and marketing. I love creating things, which has been a huge asset to my business.
I have attached some of my designs below, which I hope is useful to you and your clients:

If you are looking for a custom piece, I would recommend you check out Canva. I even use this program sometimes if I don’t have access to my Photoshop. They have really great layouts and you can create a badass marketing piece very quickly on there. If you are looking for something very specific, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me and I can help you!
If you utilize any of my designs, I would appreciate it if you could take the time to review me on my LinkedIn, Google and/or Realtor.com profiles as a fellow Realtor and business professional. I always go out of my way to review Realtors that I work with, as it adds another dimension to a Realtor’s profile if they are receiving compliments from their so-called “competitors”.
It’s important to me that I support quality agents when I find them!